Updated Simmons Mask Policy

Updated Simmons Mask Policy

BOSTON – Simmons University has updated its mask policy for the Holmes Sports Center as of March 7, and for the campus as a whole as of March 14. Masks will be optional in indoor spaces* for anyone who is fully vaccinated and boosted.* Masks will still be required in the testing site, the Health Center, athletic shuttles, and in certain spaces where there is posted signage that masks are still required. Beyond these specific circumstances, mask wearing will be at individual discretion.

This decision to relax our mask mandate aligns with the latest CDC guidance and also the City of Boston's decision to lift its mask mandate in most situations. Please remember that even if masks aren't required for everyone, many people will still choose to remain masked to protect themselves. Please be respectful of this and of anyone who requests that those around them remain masked, especially in close quarters and enclosed meeting spaces. You can still protect yourself by wearing a tight-fitting mask such as an N95 or KN95.